Self-sovereign, Decentralised Identity Management and Personal Data Sharing
NOTE: This software is still in development and has not reached a high level of maturity, yet. You are welcome to try it and it would be of great help to us if you report any issues you find.

Step 1: Installation

re:claimID is implemented as part of GNUnet (Recommended version >=0.13.2).

Currently, we recommend the use of our GNUnet docker image due to the lack of packages.

Docker image:

$ docker run -v $HOME/.local/share/gnunet:/root/.local/share/gnunet -p 7776:7776 -td reclaimid/gnunet-docker

Alpine Linux (edge, testing)

$ apk add gnunet

From source:

Please refer to the GNUnet installation tutorials

Step 2: Registering an OpenID Connect client

The easiest way to manage OpenID Connect client is through our CLI tool:

$ gem install reclaim-oidc

To register an OpenID Connect client, execute:

$ reclaim-oidc --add --client-name myclient --redirect-uri --description "My Client"

You can list all registered clients and your local OpenID Connect metadata required to initiate an authorization code flow by executing:

$ reclaim-oidc --list

The response will look like this

OpenID Connect Provider Information:
Authorize Endpoint: http://localhost:7776/openid/authorize
Token Endpoint: http://localhost:7776/openid/token
JSON-Web-Token Algorithm: HS512
JSON-Web-Token key: secret
Example Authorization Redirect:

Registered Clients:
name: myclient
client_id: <client_id>
client_secret: <client_secret>
description: My Client

NOTE: The client secrets and JWT token signing keys can be configured. However, due to the fact that re:claimID endpoint are running on your local machine, they are not critical.

Step 3: Website integration

You can use the information above to integrate re:claimID as a generic OpenID Connect Identity Provider into the web application of your choice. The integration steps for this part depend on the application you use. Hence, please refer to your respective documentation or the OpenID Connect specifications.

The sources of our demo website can be found in our gitlab project.